ClaimTek - Medical Billing

  ClaimTek - Medical Billing (800) 224-7450

Making sense of it all

There are more opportunities now than ever before in the exciting medical billing business

ClaimTek Systems Medical Billing Business

 Why? There are several dynamic reasons…

  • The 80 million plus baby boomers are aging. As they do, they demand excellent health care and they get it. So if you are a part of the huge health care business, you will reap a part of the money spent by and for this powerful, very large group of people. Additionally, the recent health care reforms will cover more people. The numbers of claims filed is expected to rise sharply.
  • There are over 1500 health care plans! That causes doctors and their staffs to be overwhelmed with paperwork. The amount of documentation generated in a single day by an average physician is staggering! To make matters worse, when a doctor has a full time staff, the errors rise. Industry reports state that 35 percent of an average full time staff makes errors that cause payments to be delayed for up to 90 days.
  • Doctors today find themselves facing a myriad of rules and regulations from the federal government that affect their daily business. They’re spending more time running the business while their passion is in attending to their patients.
  • Doctors are under pressure to automate patient charting using EMR/EHR software. Recent statistics show that less than 12% of small-to-medium clinics (1-10 doctors) are using EMR as of the end of 2010! It takes 3-6 months for the average doctor to feel comfortable using an EMR system. This means increased pressure on their billing operation. The need for doctors to buy and use EMR and outsourcing the billing to a professional billing service creates a tremendous opportunity for you. Also read about the opportunity presented by the government's Stimulus Package for providing EMR/EHR software.

If you could offer doctors reliable electronic medical billing and practice management services that would put money in their pockets faster and relieve their financial pains, wouldn’t they love you for it? Of course they would. Physicians need medical billing professionals who will get their cash flow going. They’re more than willing to pay for it too! With a professional & comprehensive medical billing business system, you will be in high demand. You’ll be an independent agent, in business for yourself. You can start your medical billing business from home or a small office.

ClaimTek will show you how you can establish a thriving recession-proof business by promoting up to 16 viable products and services and inspiring doctors to focus on practicing medicine, and let you handle their practice management needs. A medical billing from home business is one of the most rewarding startups.