ClaimTek - Medical Billing

  ClaimTek - Medical Billing (800) 224-7450

ClaimTek Medical Billing Success Stories

Success Stories

Diana Martinez finds limitless growth

Ten firms is just the start for go-getter

Like many Americans, Diana Martinez knew she was worth far more than the modest amount her employer was paying. Now she's the boss and the pay scale has surpassed six figures.

Ah, the best revenge is living well.

After 15 years working in medical billing, Diana formed Crest Mar Coding & Billing in Eldorado Hills, Calif. in April 2000. She lives near Lake Tahoe and the trickle of clients suddenly came in waves. It was like the local dam burst with opportunity.

"I knew if I could get a fraction of what I was doing for the old company I would be making more money," she said.

Diana handles claims for 10 medical firms that include 17 health providers. Her husband Joseph Enea quit his job as a construction foreman to help handle the growing business.

"It just took off really fast," Diana said. "The first year was a couple clients. I made good money and had more free time. Then doctors from my last company started coming."

Diana's old company underwent problems and many doctors who remembered her were suddenly ringing Diana's phone. No matter that Diana moved a couple hours away. It's a global world now and health care providers are more worried about getting a job done right than being done right down the street. Fortunately, ClaimTek System's patented MedOffice software lets doctors feel like Diana is in their office.

"Billing is their bread and butter," Diana said. "They're real reluctant to give it up, especially with someone miles away. MedOffice makes them feel better. They can see accounts online. I'm always available on the phone and we have a courier service daily so they see me in other ways to make up for fact that I'm far away."

Perhaps the most intriguing part of Diana's tale is her alliance with ClaimTek Systems. After spending 15 years handling medical claims, it would seem only natural Diana would continue using the software from her past job.

Uh-uh. The DOS-based program was an antique. It was like driving an Edsel. Diana knew she needed a Ferrari for her company to succeed and if ClaimTek's unique Lytec and MedOffice systems quickly wasn't enough to win her over then president Kyle Farhat's tech support was the decisive edge.

"I left messages with other vendors and never heard from them while Kyle called me right back," Diana said. "Having him call me directly and spending a lot of time on the phone on how to expand my business was outstanding."

Growth is now Diana's biggest challenge. However, it's not a hurdle. She doesn't believe in obstacles. Ten firms would be more than enough for many people, but Diana believes her current $200,000 income is just the start. She has friends and family ready to join the firm when needed. There are always independent contractors, too.

Diana has gone from employee to employer. Expectations of becoming her own boss and making what she was worth have proven correct. Diana has found the price of success is both lucrative and limitless.

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Success Stories