ClaimTek - Medical Billing

  ClaimTek - Medical Billing (800) 224-7450

ClaimTek Medical Billing Success Stories

Success Stories

Roy DuBose serves up new career

Former casino chef is now back in the chips

 ClaimTek - Medical Billing

There were plenty of sleepless nights for Roy DuBose. Not just from the back surgery that would take three months to heal and another three before really feeling 100 percent.

Not from losing his career as a chef that earned $150,000 when no longer able to carry more than 10 pounds of food.

Not from going six months without a paycheck while recuperating or wondering how he would continue putting his two kids through college.

"Or paying the mortgage," he said.

Oh yeah, the mortgage and every other bill that pops up when money is scarce.

No, the biggest thing that kept Roy awake was an uncertain future. How was he ever going to rebuild his life?

Today, Roy is again headed for six figures and beyond as the head of Automated Medical Management in Gautier, Miss. In just two weeks, Roy signed up a neurology practice and a chiropractor that made money worries vanish and turned sleepless nights into sweet dreams.

"I wanted something I wanted to do fulltime and put my heart and soul into it and bring in a lucrative business," Roy said. "The future possibilities of the business is what drew me to it. With everything going electronic, so many doctors who use paper claims are going to have to convert to it."

Working at home with a career that wouldn't cause back pain was Roy's dream. Making it happen would take a little work, though. Roy first talked to one company marketing medical claims software that refused to provide references. The red light told Roy to move on. A second company constantly badgered him for money. The red light blinked again.

But Roy saw a magazine article praising ClaimTek Systems. Roy called ClaimTek president Kyle Farhat with some skepticism following his earlier encounters with other companies. Turned out the third time was the charm.

"Kyle understood how I felt," Roy said. "We just hit it off. My wife and Kyle talked several times."

But Roy had a final test before joining ClaimTek's extensive network. He put the contract on a shelf for a week to see how many times Kyle would call looking for money.

Seven days passed without a call. In fact, Kyle didn't call Roy until the latter finally made contact. It wasn't that ClaimTek didn't want Roy's business. They just won't pressure people. After all, the product speaks for itself.

"If you have to put a name on ClaimTek, it's trust," Roy said. "Kyle wasn't aggressive. It was business."

Now here's where it gets really interesting -- Roy had no prior computer experience. Nada. He was embarking on a new career without the faintest idea of how to turn on the magic box. He probably thought Windows 98 was the number of windows in some mansion.

"I had a degree in bird pecking," Roy joked. "When I looked at the computer, I thought `Oh, my gosh, I'm dead.' "

After 12 days of personal one-on-one training with another of ClaimTek's successful franchisees, Roy was a Windows wizard. ClaimTek's unique software program offered by no other company was now second nature to Roy.

"Kyle's training program was the difference," Roy said. "They had better support. They call you back. If you need longer they'll stay with it."

Maybe it was knowing how to attract customers as a casino chef in Biloxi, Miss. that helped Roy effectively reach out to potential clients. He simply called office managers, learned their needs and arranged appointments to demonstrate his product. It won't be long before reaching his goal of eight offices. Indeed, Roy's kids are spending their college summer break processing claims.

"It's brought our family together to do this," he said.

The only caveat Roy mentioned was overexposure. He doesn't want people to know how good ClaimTek is for fear they'll join the growing market of medical claims processors.

"Don't print anything too good or every Tom, Dick and Harry will start doing this," he said.

Success Stories