ClaimTek - Medical Billing

  ClaimTek - Medical Billing (800) 224-7450

ClaimTek Medical Billing Success Stories

Success Stories

Dolores Bailey finds peace in new career

Learning computers at 50 shows it's never too late

 ClaimTek - Medical Billing

Dolores Bailey was burned out. Working in a Philadelphia hospital emergency room for 28 years will do it.

The nurse's assistant wanted to work at home far from the sirens bringing in the bloody and dying. Away from frantic people. Just some small corner of the world that was hers where the phone didn't ring and people didn't wail.

But that meant learning computers. Her son is a software specialist, but the only thing Dolores literally knew was how to turn it on. Oh, and turn it off.

A career in computers seemed as possible as becoming a Broadway dancer. Then again, maybe Dolores is headed for the stage because she certainly waltzed past many obstacles to become a medical claims processor.

Healthcare Express Medical Billing is now Bailey's dream comes true. Oh, she still spends a couple days weekly at St. Joseph's Hospital. It seems nearly three decades in the ER wasn't easy to walk away from. She now enjoys the part-time work that keeps her in touch with many doctors in handling claims for five physicians.

But Bailey mostly enjoys working for herself. At home. On her own schedule. With a phone that doesn't ring with pain on the other end.

"It's almost too good to be true that you can be doing something you like," Dolores said. "I love this job. I get to do what I want. All the things I used to think about doing I can do now. I wake up some days early and turn on the computer. Pride is something that's yours."

Dolores is living proof anyone can learn computers. She admits she didn't know a zip drive from zip code or even what a medical claim looked like. She probably thought a hard drive was rush hour traffic.

But a few months of training with a ClaimTek System manager has Dolores hanging 10 when surfing the net. Turning 50 last years wasn't some limitation for Dolores to continue her goal of creating her own niche in the world.

"You're never too old to learn," she said. "I'm amazed how much you can learn. I would never have thought I could do the things I know how to do now."

And Dolores never believed she would suddenly be the center of attention from doctors. The same bunch that never spoke to her as a nurse's assistant now corner her in elevators asking how to handle their medical claims. It only took a week to gain her first client and referrals haven't stopped coming nearly three years later.

"They're always pulling me to the side asking questions," she said. "They don't have a clue how to handle claims. I take complete charge. I get them paid. They completely trust me."

And why not when Dolores helped a young doctor starting out increase his cash flow from $125,000 to $300,000 after one year and $500,000 by the second. No wonder doctors send Dolores tokens of appreciation like flowers, Christmas presents and even a pair of shoes. There's no free lunch? Many have paid the tab as a payback for her standout work.

Dolores learned of ClaimTek Systems through a brochure and checked out the website. However, the clincher to join the growing company was unblemished reports by several Better Business Bureaus on the company compared to checkered pasts of competitors.

Outstanding tech support was also essential. After all, Dolores needed more of a helping hand getting started than some. ClaimTek president Kyle Farhat, known for his unmatched tech support, became a lifeline.

"Kyle is like 'The Godfather,'" Dolores said. "When you need somebody to turn to you call him. It was like someone was sitting beside me when we did our studies."

Dolores is now a celebrity among hospital staffers when working a shift or two. Everyone wants to rub her for luck. Who knows, maybe they can do it, too.

"Some people said it wouldn't last, that I wouldn't like being at home," Dolores said. "Well, I'm in my third year and I love it more each day."

Success Stories