ClaimTek - Medical Billing

  ClaimTek - Medical Billing (800) 224-7450

ClaimTek Medical Billing Success Stories

Success Stories

Hate your boss?

Linda Groves found the only good one was herself

 ClaimTek - Medical Billing

For anyone who ever wanted to tell his or her boss to "Take this job and shove it," Linda Groves is a hero.

"I was so distressed over the way things were done and knowing people above me were telling me how to do my job without a clue," she said. ``I knew it wasn't right."

And it wasn't going to continue. President-Accutrans, Inc. in Concorde, Ohio was created in 2001 when Groves grew frustrated over the ineffective way claims were processed over the last 15 years when working for Cleveland hospitals. Groves knew she could do the job better and finally spun off.

It wasn't a giant leap for Linda to start her own medical claims processing company after working as a reimbursement specialist and a claims supervisor over 27 years in the medical field. Indeed, she was the first person in the state of Ohio and 27th nationally to be certified in professional and hospital coding.

But despite her extensive background, Linda still needed to find the best medical claims processing software available. Forget the old stuff the hospitals were using. Linda knew her career would sink or swim on software performance. After a three-month search, Linda joined ClaimTek Systems' growing network when convinced its software was unsurpassed.

"It met my needs over and above my expectations," Linda said. "Being reputable is so important. Having something that works well in a compliant manner is so important. The software is extremely easy to use and it's easier to train front office staff to enter the information than what they've been using."

Like many first-time entrepreneurs, Linda felt technical support was paramount. It can be a little scary when starting up independently so having the comfort of help just a phone call away was another reason Linda chose ClaimTek. After all, president Kyle Farhat and his staff are notorious for spending hours solving problems no matter how small.

"This was the most important to me because I figured if I couldn't figure out the software I would need help," Linda said. "I couldn't pay a per hour charge not knowing if I'd even get an answer. Kyle has a unique genuineness about himself. I just knew he would be able to help me out. He knew I was going to be serious about growing the company."

ClaimTek's complete package also offers marketing materials that Linda found invaluable when landing her first six clients.

"I've gotten more comments on the advertising materials," she said. "It puts you above the rest that just send out some little brochure."

Linda's ambition is unending. She eventually wants to handle 25 firms and has already hired two full-timers and four part-timers to process the growing workload. After all, when word got out how Linda increased income collection by 33 percent for two firms, clients came calling.

"There's no limit on how big I am going," she said. "I'm growing my business slowly and methodically. As I get more clients I'm investing in more technology. I have no limits on where I plan to stop."

"This is my first and last business. I'm going to do this until I retire. I can't think of one day I haven't said how lucky I am to work at home and not fight traffic or pay for clothes. It's so nice to know I'm in control of my life."

So take that, boss, and shove it.

Success Stories