Our EMR Software's design concentrates frequently accessed patient data in just
a few screens:
Practice View
EMR Software Practice View screen provides an up-to-the-minute overview of all office
activity. At-a-glance tools include:
- Calendar
- ToDo's with visual status indicators
- Patient Tracker with color coding
- Detailed message list with patient identifiers
- Appointment schedule
Patient Chart
The Patient Chart provides a comprehensive and logical view of all data related
to a specific patient. Static elements are on the left and events are listed by
category in an "event tree" on the right.
Static Information:
- Demographics
- Allergies
- Problem List
- Other Sensitivities
- Routine Meds
- Previous Medical History
- Referring Doctor
- Family Medical History
- Chart Note
- Social History
- Insurance
- Encounters
- Immunizations
- Labs
- Imaging
- Medical Tests
- Flow Sheets
- Text Records
- Excuses/Notes
- Additional User-Definable Categories
Office Visit
Our EMR Software's Office Visit screen enables rapid and complete documentation
of an entire office visit with little or no typing. Elements include classic SOAP
format and more:
- (S) Subjectives
- (O) Objectives
- (A) Assessment
- (P) Plan
- PopUp Text
- PopUp Text List
- Chief Complaint
- Review of Systems
- Vitals
- Examination
- Diagnoses
- Prescriptions
- Tests
- Procedures
- Other Treatment
- Follow-up